Monday, August 8, 2011

Day 26 - 29 - Intentions and Accountability

Why is it we judge others by their actions and not their intentions but when it comes to ourselves we judge ourselves by our intentions and not our actions?  Now that just doesn't seem right.  Why do we hold others to a higher standard then ourselves?  You may think to yourself "I don't do that".  But think about it a little longer.  A friend says they are going to do something and end up not following through.  We get upset and say actions speak louder than words.  But I am sure they did have good intentions.  We say we are going to do something, be there for a friend, lose weight, etc but then end up not being there, not following through.  We tell ourselves, "I intended to but things got in the way."  It is a survival mechanism.

This weekend I allowed my intentions to win and not the action.  I completely fell off the wagon and did not eat well.  Friday I met an old friend for lunch and had part of a cheese crisp with veggies, black bean soup chips/salsa.  Friday night shared a cajun chicken pasta bowl with my mom and Red Lobster.  Saturday I woke up at 4:30 am to have a yard sale.  It wiped me out and I just didn't want to think much about eating the right thing.  Lunch was pizza and a beer.  Dinner was not bad (mongolian brown rice bowl with lots of veggies, little sauce) and a beer.  Sunday wasn't too bad except that I didn't eat frequently enough.  I had a miso soup, sushi roll and seaweed salad.  Dinner was grilled salmon, salad, fruit.  Today again not too good.  Shake for breakfast, sunbar.  Then the downfall of chips/salsa and a salad with salsa.  Dinner baked chicken, pinto beans (not canned, actually cooked), fresh salsa and chips.  Again the chips are killing me.  Plus I didn't blog so I had no accountability.  Tomorrow I get back on track with my 3 sunrider meals, sunbars and lunch and dinner.

Although I had the best intentions of doing better this weekend I didn't follow through with actions.  There is no excuse because at the end of the day an excuse is just an excuse.  Then I reminded myself today why I started this.  It wasn't just to lose weight.  It was not to end up like my grandmother.  To not be overweight and get diabetes and have other medical problems.  I have already struggled enough at such a young age with medical problems.  I can't afford to not take care of myself.  At what point do we start to ensure we aren't just about intentions but we are about actions.  At what point do we judge ourselves the same way we judge others.  And maybe it isn't about judgement but accountability.  I am happy to be learning this now and not at 54.

I hope you can stick with me as I go through this learning process.  Any encouraging words would be helpful.

Dr. Chen is coming to town this Saturday!  Come and hear about all the products and why this company is so inspiring and is changing not only my life but others.

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