Saturday, July 16, 2011

6 Quotes for Day 6

Day 6:  As many of my friends know I am a person that quotes movies.  Not all the time but on occasion when I feel a line in a movie is suitable to the current real life situation.  There are also sometimes I quote parts of a movie that others haven't picked up on.  Then I have to explain what I am referring to.  Pretty Woman, Top Gun and Bull Durham I can pretty much quote verbatim.  So after going to the movies last night I started to think about lines in movies and how they apply to my life.  

Quote 1: 
Person 1:  People put you down enough, you start to believe it. 
Person 2: I think you are a very bright, very special woman. 
Person 1:The bad stuff is easier to believe. You ever notice that?
For a long time this line very much rang true to me.  I had a lot of issues in my past to work through and with counseling I worked through them.  But I think this statement is true for many people  As human beings the bad stuff is easier to believe.  And why is that?  I mean lets get real, G-d or whomever you believe in created us to be unique and wonderful and serve a purpose.  So WHY should we ever believe we are not very bright and very special.  No matter our size we are WONDERFUL.  Remember I am losing weight to be healthy from the Inside Out, not because I think I am unattractive.  I just do not want to end up like my grandmother, with a child mourning the sudden loss of his mother.  
Quote 2:"Can I say something? And, and this comes from a place of total humility. With the acknowledgment that my life is a day-by-day experiment in... really bad decisions. But, er... you're really messed up."
Ha this crakes me up because it is so true.  And yes I have said this to a few people. Because in all honesty we all have made really bad decisions and we are all messed up in someway.  But come on lets be real, don't we learn more from bad choices then the good ones.  Aren't the bad choices when we have been challenged to push beyond what we think we can do, to come out on the other side. And yes there are times in our lives when we are really messed up and need to use a life line.  And that's perfectly ok.  Ok to have made bad decisions, ok that you will make them in the future, ok that you will have moments were you are messed up, and most certainly ok to need others help sometimes.  

Quote 3:  "Sometimes, despite your best efforts otherwise, life will give you lemons. When that happens, you've got two choices, friend: you can wear a sour face or make lemonade."
I think this one pretty much is to the point.  You have a choice.  Make it and own it.  I choose to [fill in the blank].  Now own it. And when things don't go right...then make another decision and own it.  There is great power in owning our choices.  I choose to lose weight and be healthy and live to 100.  Now I own it.  And if I don't live to be 100..that's okay because I won't know anyway. :o)

Quote 4:  "Nobody puts 'Baby' in a corner."
Yep nobody and I mean nobody puts Baby in the corner.  You are 'Baby'.  So don't let yourself be put in the corner for whatever reason.  If you are overweight, you can still shake that thing.  So shake it like a rum shaker.  Have Confidence in yourself.  Because in the end if you allow yourself to be kept in the corner why should anyone else believe you shouldn't be there.  So Work It Baby, Own It, Work It (see there I go again with the quotes).

Quote 5:  "Life is a banquet, and most poor suckers are starving to death!"
Well this quote can be seen two ways.  The first way is that most people are missing out on the great things in life.  They are starving themselves in regards to what life is about.  The other way to look at this quote is like this.  If you look at Americans, most of us poor (yes do to our wonderful economic situation) suckers are CLEARLY NOT starving to death.  And despite not having much money or as much as we did 5 years ago we keep feeding ourselves fast food or eating out.  Really?  Really?  If you want to spend money on crap then go ahead but if you want to live then convert to whole foods (i.e. Sunrider).  Think about it.  If you eat out once per day at $5 a day (which is being modest with price), you are shelling out $140 a month.  Then add in your coffee and soda stops.  That puts you easily at $200 a month.  Then add in the groceries you bought with the intention of cooking.  Say that grocery bill is $200 a month.  You are at $400.  I can get you healthy Sunrider for $400 a month.  Plus what you would save on medical prescriptions and doctors visits by changing to whole foods would be saving you money.  Trust me and my big girl booty who figured this out the hard way.

Quote 6:  "Go on, lean in. Listen, you hear it? - - Carpe - - hear it? - - Carpe, carpe diem, seize the day boys, make your lives extraordinary. "  And isn't this what it's all about.  Not only for us to seize the day but to teach others to seize the day.  For me this is what My Big Girl Booty Blog is about.  I am seizing the day but in a healthier food way.  I will still experiment and try different foods because I am a foodie.  But I will have my foodie moments in moderation.  I will have SMART Saturday every week.  Some call this a cheat day.  I don't like that terminology because it seems like you are doing something wrong.  Some call it a Reward day.  I don't like that it because then it seems as though healthy food can't be rewarding.  SMART is for Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic and Timely.  Such as today I will allow myself to change up my plan by having my two food meals be breakfast and lunch and include a little more fat and/or a treat not in my daily routine.  Today was my first SMART Saturday.  So what did I eat.

  • Breakfast:  The Good Egg (my favorite healthy breakfast restaurant).  Veggie Egg-ceptional plate (scrambled eggs on top of mixed veggies, black beans, a little cheese) and 2 dollar wheat pancakes.  Fortune Delight tea, metashaper, metabooster, beauty pearl and quinary.
  • Snack:  Sunbar
  • Lunch:  Santa Fa Small Salad and Tomato Basil Soup and an Apple Sangria.  Metashaper, Metabooster and Quinary.
  • Snack:  Sunbar
  • Dinner:  Cucumbers and hummus and Vitaplus/NuPlus shake with fortune delight and mixed fruit.  Metashaper, Metabooster and Quinary.

I think the meals I chose were in reason but slightly more that what I would choose on a regular day. 
No exercise today.

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